Being Gifted
with uniqueness at a young age was a challenge she was forced to take. Being born with a severe case of eczema not only made her mentally strong but revealed her sensitivity. Lexc knew she wasn't like the others and she had proof. Much to her advantage, It motivated her to learn self-acceptance throughout her early childhood.
As a young child, Lexc had a love for creativity. Coming from a family with a background in entertainment, it was only natural for her to find a song of her own. Growing in her gifts with the frequency of her trials she realized not only was this her escapism and freedom but that she had real potential and an innate connection to music. She started out writing and singing, to playing and producing. What started as hobbies and a way to express herself, turned into an avenue of developing skill. As she got older (she started to sing with more feelings and emotions.
Lexc harbored a lot of pain as a teen. She grew up feeling insignificant which led to suicidal thoughts and depression. Although she had learned how to be strong, fighting to believe in herself and image became difficult. On the outside, she was vibrant, caring, and humorous, but on the inside, she was alone with a lie that constantly reminded her that she was unloved. Lexc still attended church with her father in those days. She had felt the presence of God in ways she never felt as a child and had no doubt that God was real. Leaders from her youth ministry poured faithfully not only into Lexc but into so many other teens as well. It was a beautiful conspiracy. These moments and experiences were equipping her for the next stages of her adult life.
Lexc had graduated with intentions of going to a fashion school in California. Living in L.A. has always been a dream for this Vegas native. Unfortunately, her plans came to a quick end and she started working in retail. She met a young woman who worked in the same mall who divinely became her mentor and led her away from a life of partying, drinking, and promiscuity, into a devoted life in Christ.
Shortly after, The Holy Spirit had developed the worshiper in her heart and provided opportunities for her to sing in the gospel community in her city. As God began to draw even more near he requested that she’d trust him and start a journey of truly walking by faith. She was instructed to leave her job and to rely on God for everything. She struggled in faith and often wondered if she had heard God correctly, but in obedience she continued, accepting that the just shall walk
by faith. About 2 years later she had been given an odd task.
God called Lexc into an intelligent art form called Hip Hop. She proceeded with apprehension, writing everyday as a novice, and gathering lyrics to begin recording her first mix-tape. She had no idea what the Lord was up to and once he revealed her moniker "L3XDIVINE" (the three for The Trinity) she began to process that her life was about to change as she walked the path of an independent artist. This was a plot twist to her story.
L3XDIVINE was recognized for a video series titled #EMCEEMONDAY where she would spit a "Hot 16" each week, with the iPhone she was instructed to buy with her last pay check. She landed gigs in Vegas through church events, Guerilla Cross, and other various sources. She became even more familiar to the CHH community through the project EL V. Envy by JGivens and through competing at “The Rap Showcase” at Legacy Conference in Chicago, IL. Her music began to receive attention from platforms such as Trackstarz, Rapzilla, Forth District, and more. In 2017 she created a stage for women through Legacy Fest titled She's Next, as a way to shed light on the under-representation of women in the Christian Hip Hop Community. The beginning has arrived for L3XDIVINE and we are excited as she impacts the world. Reconciling generations back to Christ.